Blind Cat Rescue & Sanctuary, Inc., (BCR) is a safe, loving and healthy permanent home for cats deemed unadoptable and therefore immediately euthanized by most shelters and animal control facilities - blind cats, senior cats and those that test positive for FIV or feline leukemia. Since its founding in 2005, BCR’s mission has been to educate the public about these cats that they deserve to live. Through a strong social media presence, 24-hour access cameras, regularly scheduled open houses, tours and volunteer opportunities, the BCR cats daily demonstrate to a global audience their true abilities. BCR also sponsors a spay/neuter program for feral cats in Guilford County, NC, spearheaded a 2014 program that put animal oxygen masks in every first-responder vehicle in Robeson County, NC, and provided a heat detector for a county canine police unit that alerts the officer when the air conditioner in his police car fails, putting his canine partner at risk for death from excess heat.